Ny uppdatering till Insul släppt!
Nya funktioner i Iris
Nya funktioner i Iris
Med IRIS gör man mätningar av en rad rumsakustiska parametrar varav många tidigare har varit svåra att mäta, t ex lateral fraction. Nu har utvecklingen av IRIS tagit ytterligare ett steg framåt.
Den senaste versionen är nästan klar och med den kan man mäta parametrar för taluppfattbarhet.
Den nya versionen kommer att kunna mäta:
- speech transmission index (STI according to IEC 60268-11 Ed. 4)
- spatial decay rate (D2,S)
- level of speech at 4 m from source (Lp,A,S,4m)
- distraction distance (rd)
- privacy distance (rp)
- VDI 2569 room acoustic class
Dessa nya parametrar är beräknade enligt två nyligen publicerade standarder, ISO 3382-3:2012 Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 3: Open plan offices and VDI 2569:2016-02-Draft Sound protection and acoustical design in offices.
RAP-ONE har släppts i en helt omarbetad version med ny beräkningsalgoritm (pyramid tracing) samt nytt 3D gränssnitt. I övrigt samma enkla handhavande som gör RAP-ONE till ett populärt program för att kartlägga buller inomhus samt studera rumsakustik.
Insul release 9.08 uppdatering
Ny uppdatering till Insul släppt!
Insul release 9.07 uppdatering
Ny uppdatering till Insul släppt!
Insul release 9.06 uppdatering
Insul release 9.05
Insul version 9.0
Insul version 9.0
Marshall Day Acoustics are delighted to announce the release of version 9.0 of INSUL.
This new version presents a major over haul of the user interface to provide a new foundation for the next 10 years development of this world leading software. The most obvious feature to the thousands of INSUL users will be the 3 D illustration of the partition to be calculated. This can be rotated, zoomed and an X ray view displayed. This makes the communication with an end user of the calculations easier and provides a degree of confidence that the prediction is based on the users actual partition design. A trial version can be downloaded from the download page on this website and a trial key obtained from your local distributor.
A short list of new features compared to version 8
- New user interface design with 3 D illustration of the construction that can be zoomed and rotated.
- Better utilisation of small or big screens. (Elements of interface can be re-arranged for personal preference)
- Prediction of floating floors using polystyrene or mineral wool with concrete screed on top.
- Double absorptive blankets can be selected (means illustrations can be more realistic)
- Prediction of external cladding systems using PIR or Polystyrene insulation
- Better auralisation with a user expandable library of sounds. Ability to record auralisations for later replay without INSUL
- New types of connections and improved illustrations
- Thermal insulation of glazing (according to EN 673)
- Database of steel or timber studs (standard sizes selected from menu).
- Pitched roofs can now be predicted
- Multi-platform (Windows, Apple Mac Os) (this may be a couple of months away)
- Better search through materials files.
- Filtering lists by category or manufacturer.
- New types of frames/connections such as Batten and Cradle isolation pads
- Add copy and paste functions to composite TL calculator, and to outdoor-indoor calculator (so you can transfer results).