
INSUL is software for sound insulation and impact noise predictions of walls, slabs and windows, developed by  Marshall Day Acoustics, New Zealand.
ZORBA is software for calculation of sound absorption of porous absorbers with different facings developed by  Marshall Day Acoustics, New Zealand.
dBSea is software for calculation of  sound propagation in water below the surface for marine life noise assessments, developed by  Marshall Day Acoustics, New Zealand.
IRIS is a measurement system  for measuring  the 3D impulse response in  rooms and evaluation of room acoustical parameters developed by Marshall Day Acoustics, New Zealand.
Rap-One is software for calculation of sound propagation indoors  and working environment noise  assessments developed by Soft dB in Canada.
ENC is software that works like a tool box for sound and vibration calculations according to the book Engineering Noise Control developed by Causal Systems in Australia.